Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Peer Revision for Things Fall Apart Essay

Peer Editing

Writer: Tell your responder what you need from them. (For example, “I am most concerned that my thesis isn’t strong.” “I don’t know if the explanations of my quotes are clear enough.” “I can’t think of an attention-getter.”)
Responder: Write down these questions or concerns at the top of the paper. Write your name beneath these comments.
1. Read introductory paragraph. How does the author draw you in? Evaluate the strength of the attention-getter. Offer some ideas.
2. Put a Bracket around the thesis. Circle the two characters mentioned in the thesis and underline the theme statement in the thesis. Does the thesis assert an original idea? Evaluate.
3. Before continuing your reading, check the topic sentences of each body paragraph – does each correspond to an idea mentioned in the thesis? Draw a line between an idea in the thesis and a corresponding idea in the topic sentence. If you cannot do this - the topic sentences need revision.
4. Read the first body paragraph.
5. Identify the Points (P from PIE). Put a star by each P.
6. Identify the Illustrations. Underline each one.
7. Evaluate each Explanation – does the writer clearly explain how each illustration proves the topic sentence of the paragraph? Write + or - in the margin next to each E.
8. Repeat for each additional body paragraph. Offer at least one additional comment.
9. Read the conclusion. Circle the section wherein the author explains the “So what?” of her/his argument. Does the author show how this topic connects to life?
10. Go back to the essay to help the writer with her/his particular question or concern. Talk together about it, and come up with a plan for the writer.
11. Write down three specific areas for revision and have the writer sign beneath this list.

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