Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Road and "Transformation" Vocabulary

Here are the vocabulary words you will be responsible for learning before the quiz on November 5th. If you missed class today, ask me about the Vocab 4-square when you return.

I've also included a bit of information about the Flocabulary book and music we have been listening to in class:

"The Flocabulary series book defines five hundred SAT-level words in eleven
songs (roughly forty-five per song).

Flocabulary fuses hip-hop music with vocabulary words and their definitions to
make learning vocabulary easy and engaging.

Flocabulary is mnemonic-laced rap music. Rap music is so easy to memorize
in itself because it is based in rhyming, and using rhyme is one of the most
effective memorization strategies. Just think about it: how many songs do you
have memorized?"

Excerpted from www.flocabulary.com

The Road Vocabulary

fable (fabulist) (3)
apparition (apparitional) (9)
uncanny (18)
feral (52)
meager (60)
entity (88)
retract (120)*
apocalypse (apocalyptic) (155)
fey (187)
grotto (189)
myriad (219)
stagnant (224)
ominous (229)
derelict (276)
* Appears on previous list

"Transformation" Vocabulary


Lyrics from the "Transformation" Rap:

The transformation of bookworms
into hip-hop icons,
a dictionary and a microphone,
a dictionary and a mic.

Now this here’s a story for
the fellows and ladies,
sporting pocket protectors and
socket inspectors and marking their vectors, glasses thick,
they’re myopic, short-sighted,
they can’t see the crumbs on their lips.
They don’t say the word think,
they say “ratiocinate.”
They don’t render “repeat,”
they say “recapitulate.”
When they speak they’re
wordy and loquacious,
verbose and gregarious,
so many words it’s hilarious.
They study elocution,
the art of public speaking,
but they talk in circumlocutions,
indirect language.
They’re recalcitrant,
defiant and unapologetic.
Write an essay on
Shakespeare for extra-credit.
So cogent and smart
that it changes the field,
it’s seminal and original.
Their meritorious work always deserves merit,
they revise and redact their papers, they edit.
They placate their parents,
soothe them out,
by always getting good grades
and never leaving the house.
To them homework is never tedious,
dull and boring, they’re never snoring or yawning
they’re working evening and morning.

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