Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama's Back-to-School Speech

What's all the fuss?

If you've been following the news in the last few days, Obama's Back-to-School speech has people talking. Some believe that Obama's message is inspirational and motivational, others see it as a blatantly political ploy and are keeping their kids home from school. I think we should find out for ourselves. After viewing the video, I'd like to hear your opinions. Please post your comments on this blog. It is my hope this blog will become a safe place to extend discussion beyond the walls of our classroom. Please remember to be respectful of others, even if their opinions are different from your own.

Consider the following questions:
What do you remember most from the speech?
Was it worth watching in school? Why or why not?
Was it too political? How so?
What if anything will you take away from the speech?
In other words, does anything Obama says relate to you and your educational journey?

Here are a few reader letters from the Star Tribune on September 7, 2009:

"For goodness sake, parents, and school administrators, don't let President Obama try to inspire your students to work hard and be responsible in school. And above all, don't let the children freely discuss those virtues exemplified by Obama...Better you tell them to wait until they are grown up, when the... pundits (experts) and bloggers can do their thinking for them."

"Here's a thought: If Obama's speech to schoolchildren today is to be about setting goals and accomplishing things in life, then maybe that speech should be deferred to Wednesday night's address to Congress."

"As a parent of school-aged children, I am begging school administrators... to please disrupt our children's day so they may hear - together with their classmates and teachers - President Obama speak to them about the importance of working hard in school. As a parent, I tell them this, their teachers tell them this, but for the president to take time out of his busy day to tell them this, I can guarantee you, my kids will remember this. Or is that what everyone is afraid of?"

"In the 1930s, the German government indoctrinated the school-children with their white supremacy and socialist culture. Our U.S. government has now sent the first "education" package to our schools. When do our children receive the Obama arm bands?"

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